Systems Navigator and VTTI’s Euro Tank Terminal celebrate 7 years of working together in over 10 simulation projects executed. Furthermore, ETT was the launching customer of Systems Navigator’s Planning & Scheduling solution Dropboard.
The Smart Scheduling module in Dropboard helps ETT to optimize their scheduling. Currently, ETT is using Dropboard for both barge and vessel planning.
The work done at ETT in the past 7 years is proof of the support that a simulation-based solution can provide in predicting and analyzing outcomes before making complex decisions that require major capital investment. Systems Navigator and ETT are looking forward to continuing their collaboration and keep adding value to ETT projects and operations.
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About Systems Navigator
Systems Navigator is an independent software consultancy company. Since 2003, our employees are working around the globe for a wide range of customers on the most challenging projects. We assist our customers in making better decisions on where to spend their capital by demonstrating the impact of change through simulation modelling that can calculate a wide range of future scenarios. Our Dropboard platform for planning & scheduling helps companies optimize their operations, improve customer service and maximize the use of their assets. Systems Navigator is a distributor of Arena and Simio simulation software and is the creator of Scenario Navigator and Dropboard.
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