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Systems Navigator @ TechnoHubDag: Optimizing your production process with simulation

Systems Navigator

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Join us at the TechnoHubDag and discover the harvest of two years of the TechnoHub program: great projects and innovative showcases from participating partners. Learn how you can build on the acquired insights and see the results of several projects. Be ready for interesting speakers and surprising pitches!

TechnoHubDag is organized at the “Duurzaamheidsfabriek” in Dordrecht and takes place on Wednesday, January 25 from 8:45 - 15:00. See program details here.

Snijtechniek Brabant and Systems Navigator will present the co-developed simulation project and show/explain how a "Smart order picking" algorithm supported them in making their processes more efficient, and testing its impact on operations with a simulation model.

"Testing a new process, a new layout or a new algorithm in a simulation environment is much more efficient in terms of time and costs".


08:45 – 09:15 – Walk in with coffee and tea

09:15 – 10:00 – Opening Plenary: the Human Factor with:

- Arie van den Andel - CTO Oceanco and member of the South Holland Technological Industry task force

- Timon JongkindSmart Industries practitioner and TechnoHub project leader

- Daan WortelDirector of the Sustainability Factory

10:00 – 10:20 – Top 3 pitches from student teams

10.20 – 10.30 – Short break

10:30 – 11:30 – Breakout sessions

11:30 – 11:40 – Short break

11:40 – 12:25 – Demonstrations on the ground, 2nd and 4th floors

12:30 – 13:30 – Network lunch with feedback breakout sessions

13:00 – 15:00 – Side event NexGen for students and companies

Curious to know more? You can find more information and register here:

About TechnoHub

Technohub is intended to bring companies and educational institutions in the Drechtsteden together at the Duurzaamheidsfabriek to combine knowledge and bring innovation in the fields of big data, digitalization and virtualization. Technohub consists of the following companies and educational organizations: Damen, KROHNE, FOCUS-ON, UReason, Valk Welding, Systems Navigator, HBO Drechtsteden and the Da Vinci College Dordrecht.

Systems Navigator's role in the consortium is to bring knowledge and innovation in the field of System Engineering, Digital Models and Digital Twins.

About Systems Navigator

Systems Navigator is a global leader in advanced and predictive decision support technology. Since 2003, our employees are working around the globe for a wide range of customers on the most challenging projects. We assist our customers in making better decisions on where to spend their capital by demonstrating the impact of change through simulation modelling. Our Dropboard platform for planning & scheduling helps companies optimize their operations, improve customer service and maximize the use of their assets.

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