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Systems Navigator & Paragon Covid-19 support to Brazil

Systems Navigator

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

DELFT; Jun 11, 2020 - Systems Navigator & Paragon unite their efforts to support the distribution of PPE consumables to all Brazilian hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Distribution of PPE in Brazil

Brazil is importing the majority of its PPE consumables from China into the Sao Paulo airport. From there it needs to be distributed across the country while ensuring that all hospitals carry sufficient stock into the future so that treatments can continue as planned while hospital staff is well protected. With increased demand related to COVID-19 outbreaks, and limited PPE availability, distribution becomes a mission-critical exercise that can safe the lives of patients and medical personnel.

Cloud based planning

An online planning solution was built in record time by Paragon & Systems Navigator to help the Brazilian government to distribute the materials to where they are needed most. The solution is a combination of a mathematical model hosted in the cloud, allowing planners to create plans that result in the best spread of PPE across Brazil. With the advanced scenario management, many alternative future plans can be tested before finalizing the distribution plans per week.

Credit & kudos

The Ministry of Infrastructure thanks both companies for “their demonstrated commitment to Brazilian society, technical excellence, and the innovative character of the product developed. The speed and availability of all employees involved in meeting the demands of the Ministry of Infrastructure are very much worth mentioning”.

Once again, we are very pleased to collaborate with Systems Navigator and with their quick answer to help Brazil in this difficult moment. Scenario Navigator was the tool chosen to study & compare the different scenarios and we couldn’t be happier with the results.” – stated Luiz Augusto Franzese, CEO Paragon.

Systems Navigator is very happy that our technology can help the Brazilian Ministry of Health to distribute sufficient PPE to its Hospitals during the COVID19 pandemic. By deploying the distribution model on Scenario Navigator, Brazilian planners can easily access the solution and create plans while working from home!” – stated Rienk Bijlsma, Systems Navigator Founder & CEO.

About Paragon

Paragon is a Decision Science consulting company from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and a partner from Systems Navigator since 2003. With more than 20 years of experience in Decision Support Services & Technology transfers, they provide consulting services, training, and software to over 800 customers in Brazil and Latin America. Paragon focuses on 3D simulation and optimization.

About Systems Navigator

Systems Navigator is a global leader in advanced and predictive decision support technology. Since 2003, our employees are working around the globe for a wide range of customers on the most challenging projects. We assist our customers in making better decisions on where to spend their capital by demonstrating the impact of change through simulation modelling. Our Dropboard platform for planning & scheduling helps companies optimize their operations, improve customer service and maximize the use of their assets.

To learn more about this project or Systems Navigator, please contact our office at +31 (0) 15 750 1030, email us or visit the website at


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