OCI Nitrogen’s Rotterdam terminal is located in the Europoort. The terminal shares a berth, which can complicate the scheduling of vessel arrivals once the berth is congested. To support future logistics strategies OCI selected Systems Navigator as an independent consultant to analyze and find solutions for infrastructure and scheduling bottlenecks.
By quantifying multiple future scenarios the project team advised management on the preferred strategy in terms of investments in terminal equipment, modal shift and throughput sensitivities. Furthermore, the impact of various strategies on other berth users are analyzed helping management to better understand the operational consequences of the selected strategy.
OCI Terminal Europoort stores ammonia and aqua-ammonia and handles ships up to 35,000 DWT. Supply options include vessels, barges, rail, truck and pipeline. The terminal is the owner of two ammonia storage tanks which fulfill the highest standards for safety and environmental protection. Each tank has a capacity of 15 kton refrigerated ammonia.
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