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How to turn your simulation model into a Digital Twin?

Systems Navigator

Systems Navigator has started in 2003 with the development of Scenario Navigator applications, having the purpose to enable simulation experts to control their data sets for input and output. Since the initial version, the application has evolved from a tool that supports experimentation to a cloud-based operating system that runs as a Digital Twin. Scenario Navigator is being continuously developed based on industry requirements and technology improvements, resulting in the availability of new features over time.

Our web technology includes model development & hosting, scenario management & comparison, results analysis, reporting & auditing. Our software can handle both historic and actual operational data coming from ERP/MES and other legacy systems. Modeling paradigms that are supported include discrete-event, continuous & agent-based simulation, heuristics, algorithms & optimization. Scenario Navigator is able to predict the future state(s) of any system, enabling users to make better decisions on planning, scheduling & capital investment.

Scenario Navigator

Turn your simulation model into a Digital Twin!

Digital Twin Capabilities

> Schedule feasibility gives operators & planners a realistic execution schedule of planned orders

> Capacity planning gives managers the capability to choose the best way forward

> Capital efficiency empowers management to support decisions on investments

> Risk analysis provides insights into the risk & sensitivity of your operation

> Service prediction demonstrates the future service & quality of your system

Curious to know more? Please visit our Scenario Navigator page by clicking the image below.

About Scenario Navigator

Systems Navigator has started in 2003 with the development of Scenario Navigator applications, having the purpose to enable simulation experts to control their data sets for input and output. Since the initial version, the application has evolved from a tool that supports experimentation to a cloud-based operating system that runs as a Digital Twin. Scenario Navigator is being continuously developed based on industry requirements and technology improvements, resulting in the availability of new features over time.

To learn more about Scenario Navigator, please contact our office at +31 (0) 15 750 1030, email us or visit the website at


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