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Are you ready for IMO 2020?

Systems Navigator

Updated: Jan 20, 2020

Credits: Tata Steel

Author: Daan Merkestein (Systems Navigator)

With less than three months until IMO 2020 regulations are implemented, Daan Merkestein examines the options and opportunities available for terminal operators and ship owners.

DELFT; Oct. 11, 2019 – Starting from January 1, 2020, the limit for sulphur content in fuel oil for ships will be reduced from 3.50% to 0.50%. For ships within the Emission Control Areas (ECAs), which include the Baltic Sea area, the North Sea area, the North American area and the United States Caribbean Sea area, there is already a limit set to 0.10% since 2015. Currently, most of the oil that is used for bunkering ships is high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO), containing on average 2.7% sulphur. The HSFO is derived as a residue from the crude oil distillation. Therefore, it is cheaper than other marine fuels, but it contains a high percentage of sulphur (oxides), which is harmful to human health and can lead to acid rain. The IMO 2020 regulation will reduce the amount of exhausted sulphur oxides by ships, leading to major health and environment benefits. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is expecting a 77% drop in overall sulphur oxide emissions from ships in the first five years.

Speaking to Tank Storage Magazine Daan Merkestein, Systems Navigator Senior Simulation Consultant, states: “This new regulation will have a big impact on refineries, ship owners, ports and storage terminals & is expected to be a game changer in the maritime industry”.


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Systems Navigator is a global leader in advanced and predictive decision support technology. Since 2003, our employees are working around the globe for a wide range of customers on the most challenging projects. We assist our customers in making better decisions on where to spend their capital by demonstrating the impact of change through simulation modelling. Our Dropboard platform for planning & scheduling helps companies optimize their operations, improve customer service and maximize the use of their assets.

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